legendary captain of india MS Dhoni Recently he was embroiled in a controversy in his hometown Ranchi. The Jharkhand Housing Board has investigated the allegations regarding Dhoni's house on Harmu Road, which was initially allotted as residential land but is now being used for commercial purposes.
The plot in Ranchi's upscale Harmu residential area was gifted to Dhoni by the Jharkhand government when Arjun Munda was chief minister. The land, which spans around 10,000 sq ft, is in recognition of Dhoni's achievements in cricket. A luxury home was built on the site, where Dhoni and his family lived before moving to a farmhouse in Cimaliya on the outskirts of the city to ensure privacy.
Recent reports of a planned diagnostic center at the Hamu Road property have prompted the Housing Authority to launch a formal investigation. The signboard for the pathology center was allegedly installed but was later covered with green cloth.
This is not the first time problems have arisen at the Dhoni Ranchi residence.
This raised suspicion and prompted an investigation into whether the use of the residential land complied with Housing Authority regulations that explicitly prohibited commercial activity on residential land. Housing Board Chairman Sanjay Lal Paswan clarified that any change in the intended use of residential land constitutes a violation of regulations.
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The Times of India (TOI) quoted Paswan as saying: “We have received the complaint and directed officials to investigate. If the allegations are proven, we will issue a notice to Dhoni.”
This is not the first time the former skipper's Hamu fortune has been questioned. In 2015, the council raised an inquiry into the alleged illegal acquisition of another adjacent plot of land. That dispute was eventually resolved, but the current charges have reignited concerns about the property's use.
It is worth noting that the Housing Authority has taken similar action against around 300 other property owners who have converted residential sites into commercial premises. Even the BJP office in the same district was served notices for similar violations. If unauthorized activity is confirmed, officials will be directed to cancel funding.
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